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This command shows all of the scheduled tasks for the specified cluster. If cluster is not set this would output a table for every cluster. Each row contains task type and ID, separated by a slash, task properties, next activation and last status information. For more information on a task consult history and progress.
sctool tasks [flags]
Command options¶
-a, --all
Lists all tasks, including those which have been disabled, disabled tasks are prefixed with ‘*’.
Default value: false
-c, --cluster
The target cluster name or ID (envvar SCYLLA_MANAGER_CLUSTER).
-h, --help
help for tasks
Default value: false
Always display task UUID, do not show task names.
Default value: false
Additionally display task properties. Only displays properties set to non-default values.
Default value: false
Returns a list of tasks sorted according to the last run status and sort key which you provide. Accepted sort key values are: ‘next-activation’, ‘status’.
-s, --status
Filters tasks according to their last run status. Accepted values are: NEW, RUNNING, STOPPING, STOPPED, WAITING, DONE, ERROR, ABORTED.
-t, --type
Display only tasks of a given type.
File path to HTTPS client certificate used to access the Scylla Manager server when client certificate validation is enabled (envvar SCYLLA_MANAGER_API_CERT_FILE).
File path to HTTPS client key associated with –api-cert-file flag (envvar SCYLLA_MANAGER_API_KEY_FILE).
Base URL of Scylla Manager server (envvar SCYLLA_MANAGER_API_URL).
If running sctool on the same machine as server, it’s generated based on ‘/etc/scylla-manager/scylla-manager.yaml’ file.
Default value: